Analysis laboratory

The heart of our company

A team dedicated to the control and continuous improvement of chemical processes.

Valmet Plating operates according to a Quality Management System compliant with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard

The Company considers the adoption of the Quality Management System to be fundamental, as it represents an important support and allows guaranteeing the high quality of the products and services offered.

The Quality Management System is continuously monitored and improved, to guarantee services and products with high standards, in order to satisfy customer requests and expectations.

In 2014, the investments made in training and technologies led to the creation of a new internal environment entirely dedicated to the control and optimisation of the electroplating processes in use. The company mission has a twofold objective: to meet the high quality standards required by the big haute couture houses and to constantly check compliance with the quality attributes of the chemical solutions produced. The tests required to assess the quality of the chemical solutions and the related potential effects of electroplating on different materials are carried out in the chemical laboratory.


Analysis of the
chemical-physical parameters

of solutions for determining the content of metals and organic and norganic additives using the different analytical techniques: Atomic Absorption (AAS) Atomic Emission (MP-AES), X-ray Fluorescence (XRF), Ion Chromatography (IC) High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Potentiometry, Colorimetry.

of electrolytic deposition

under standard conditions (Becker/Hull cells electrolysis).

What is XRF ray fluorescence spectrometry?

A techinique that offers great results at sustainable costs

XRF (X Ray Fluorescence) spectroscopy is a chemical-physical analysis technique based on the analysis of X-ray fluorescence emission. This particular technique enables discovering the elemental composition of a sample from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. This radiation is emitted by the atoms of the element located in the sample, following an excitation, obtained through irradiation with X-rays from a source.

Valmet Spectrometry

How does XRF fluorescence spectrometry work?

Going into detail, the X-rays of the X-ray source strike the electron of the element, exciting it and causing it to be expelled. The relaxation of an outermost electron, in order to fill this vacancy, leads to the emission of a specific and unique X-type radiation fluorescence. This type of spectroscopic investigation technique is in fact based on Moseley’s law, according to which the energy of fluorescent X-rays is specific for each atom and directly depends on the nature of its atomic number (Z). As if it were a fingerprint of the element. By reading this signal it is therefore possible to establish the qualitative composition of the sample. By assessing the intensity of this emission, it is possible to obtain quantitative information, relating to each different element in the sample.


The XRF analytical instrumentation can be used for the analysis of both liquid and solid samples. Therefore, within the electroplating industry, thanks to these instruments, it is possible to check the status of the baths autonomously and independently. It can also be used for direct control of metal supplies.