Years of research for a reliable and sustainable product

Helmet 2.0 is the result of a process to optimise a product initially developed five years ago, particularly in terms of its application.

Helmet’s most outstanding feature is without doubt its applicability, in fact it can be used on all metals, and now, thanks to intense and meticulous research, this product reduces immersion times by 50%, thus increasing production capacity.

In its latest version, Helmet can be used in barrel plating applications and consequently on small metal parts. By reducing the coefficient of friction, the article is more resistant to rubbing. To the delight of both users and the environment, helmet does not contain toxic metals, hydrocarbons or solvents.

Furthermore, the new Helmet creates an invisible coating which remains uniform up to 200°C. The lattice is not thermolabile, does not break and maintains its characteristics intact: this means the end product remains unchanged in all possible conditions.

High-performance, practical and versatile

Effective on all metals.

Helmet 2.0 can also be applied to items to create an “antique” effect. This makes it an ideal solution for meeting the needs of a popular fashion trend: the vintage look. Helmet 2.0 maintains this effect without alterations and without losing its protective capacity, leaving the appearance of the object unchanged over time.

Resistance to acidic synthetic perspiration - 24 hours
(NF S 80–772)

Palladium-Nickel (0.20 µm) / White Bronze (2 µm) / Copper (15 µm) / Brass

Drag the centre line to see the results achieved with HELMET 2.0.

Resistance to SULphu Dioxide - 8 hours
(ISO 4524-2)

Palladium-Nickel (0.20 µm) / White Bronze (2 µm) / Copper (15 µm) / Brass

Drag the centre line to see the results achieved with HELMET 2.0.

Resistance to salt spray - 96 hours
(ISO 9227)

Palladium-Nickel (0.20 µm) / White Bronze (2 µm) / Copper (15 µm) / Brass

Drag the centre line to see the results achieved with HELMET 2.0.

Resistance to acidic synthetic perspiration - 24 hours
(NF S 80–772)

Ruthenium (0.10 µm) / Palladium-Nickel (0.20 µm) / White Bronze (2 µm) / Copper (15 µm) / Brass

Drag the centre line to see the results achieved with HELMET 2.0.


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