Interview with Giovanni Mangani, New Director of the Valmet Plating Division


As announced in recent months, Giovanni Mangani has been appointed as the new Director of the Valmet Plating Division under the company’s new management structure. With a solid background in the plating industry, Mangani has developed a deep understanding of the fashion sector and its production processes. We had the pleasure of interviewing him to learn more about his experience and future projects, while also exploring how his expertise, combined with a strong respect for Valmet, led him to embrace this new challenge with enthusiasm and determination.

Can you tell us about your professional journey and how you came to join Valmet?

My professional career began in 1994 at a company specializing in the production of metal accessories. Back then, the work environment was very different from today: brand demands were less pressing, and the industry dynamics were less hectic. My primary responsibility was managing administration and finance, but I quickly developed a passion for production, becoming fascinated by the attention to detail and quality required by the fashion industry. I was fortunate to witness firsthand the technological evolution, particularly in the plating and mechanical sectors, which proved essential in meeting the growing demands of the market.

Over the years, I watched that company grow, face new challenges, and gain prominence in the industry. This allowed me to evolve alongside the company, mastering diverse skills that led me to take on increasingly strategic roles, eventually acquiring equity and becoming CEO. This journey gave me a broad understanding of the fashion sector, not just from a production standpoint but also strategically, preparing me for new professional challenges.

What were the key factors in your decision to join Valmet?

I’ve known Valmet for many years and have always followed its growth and development across its various divisions with great interest. I closely observed the group’s ability to innovate and adapt to market needs, which fostered in me a deep respect for the company and its circular vision. Over the years, my relationship with Valmet’s ownership strengthened, built on mutual appreciation and respect. When the opportunity to collaborate arose earlier this year, it felt natural to accept, recognizing a convergence of interests and common goals. I’m convinced that joining forces with a group like Valmet represents a significant step in my career and the future of the industry.

How do you think your past experience can contribute to the success of the Plating Division?

Valmet Plating is a key player in the plating industry for the fashion sector, and I believe my experience can bring significant value. Having worked closely with plating companies, I have gained an insider’s perspective on their needs and the dynamics that shape their relationships with high-end fashion brands. This perspective allows me to better understand the challenges our clients face and propose targeted solutions that meet their expectations. My goal is to strengthen and expand collaborations with brands, positioning Valmet Plating as the go-to partner, capable of offering innovative, high-quality solutions that respond to the evolving needs of the market.

How would you assess your first few months at Valmet?

My first few months at Valmet have been extremely positive. I found a cohesive work environment characterized by strong collaboration and great motivation from all team members. This allowed me to integrate quickly and start contributing right away. The company has shown remarkable openness to new ideas and approaches, which has been crucial in fostering an inclusive, stimulating, and proactive work atmosphere. I’m confident that this positive energy and team spirit will be key elements in achieving the goals we’ve set for ourselves.

What goals do you aim to achieve with Valmet Plating?

My primary objective with Valmet Plating is to lead the company on a path of continuous and sustainable growth, leveraging the high level of expertise and professionalism within the team. Integration with the Legor Group is a crucial step in further establishing ourselves as leaders in the industry, strengthening our position and consolidating our role as a key partner for high-end fashion brands. My commitment will be to ensure that Valmet Plating continues to offer cutting-edge products and solutions, with a constant focus on quality and innovation.

How do you see the future for both yourself and Valmet Plating in the coming years?

Looking ahead, I see Valmet Plating further strengthening its leadership in the production of plating products for high fashion. I believe our ability to innovate, combined with a strong focus on sustainability and quality, will enable us to consolidate and expand our partnerships with the major players in the sector. Personally, I see myself as an integral part of this growth journey, helping to make Valmet Plating not just a trusted supplier, but a true strategic partner for our clients. I’m confident that in the coming years, we will be able to meet the challenges of the market with increasingly innovative and sustainable solutions.
